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Police Department

Central City Police Department
1616 16th Avenue   |   Central City, NE 68826   |   308-946-3003
MISSION STATEMENT:  The Central City Police Department exists to serve all people within our jurisdiction with respect, objectivity and compassion.  We are pledged to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property; the conservation of peace, order and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; and the safe guarding of contitutional rights.  With community service as our cornerstone, we are driven by objectives to promote the quality of life, investigation of problems as well as incidents, seeking solutions, and nurturing a sense of security for the residents and visitors of the community.  We cultivate public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethical conduct.  To perform this mission, the Central City Police Department is dedicated to providing a quality work environment and the development of its members through effective training and leadership.

The Central City Police Department consists of a Police Chief, Police Lieutenant, 3 Officers and a Secretary.  We maintain office hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The office can be reached at 308-946-3003 during these office hours.  Non-emergency calls after hours can be made to 308-946-2900 (Merrick County Sheriff).  All emergency calls should be made to 911.

Nebraska Crimestoppers will accept anonymous tips regarding criminal cases and may provide a reward for that information.  When you call, the staff members will not ask for the caller's name. Instead they will assign a Nebraska Crime Stoppers identification code number to the person, and obtain the information, thereby maintaining your anonymity.  Call Crimestoppers at 1-800-422-1494 or log into the link above to submit online tips.
